Wednesday, December 17, 2008

imbal irc convo

[11:24] A> i get bjs all the time :)
[11:24] foxsg> if ua re in court already
[11:25] A> just need to treat the gf right!
[11:25] foxsg> people make use of it to lengthen ur jail terms
[11:25] B> so if i report u A
[11:25] foxsg> LOL
[11:25] B> then u go to jail!
[11:25] A> something like that
[11:25] B> got irc log!
[11:25] foxsg> LOL
[11:25] foxsg> HAHAHA
[11:25] foxsg> i prt screen
[11:25] A> wtf
[11:25] foxsg> HAHAHA

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